Water; The Ideal Fluid To Take During Ramadan

Dear Readers, It’s Ramadan. We pray that Allah (s.a.w.) accept our ibadah and solat. I’m positive we’re all getting accustomed to the fast,our bodies getting used to the shortage of food intake. As we tend to know a balanced diet is important to keep up our good health, sustain an active lifestyle and attain the full benefits of Ramadan. There is no need to consume excess food at predawn meals sahur and evening meals or breaking fast iftar. Therefore for us to achieve these, we have to follow some healthy routines. We will not begin something without talking about the basic and essential part of the meal; water. WATER. I don’t need to stress how important and necessary this particular fluid is. Unfortunately though, most people do not drink enough but only take small amounts at iftar and so forget to drink water until the next day!! About 60-70% of your body is made up of water and any reduction in your body’s cells and nerves prevents it from functioning properly. This is the reason why it is fully essential to make up for the loss of water in your body by making sure you drink an average […]
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