What Is The Connection Between A Healthy Mind And Good Sex?

Connection between Sex, Intimacy And Mental Well-Being

Sex is a key element in a happy, healthy relationship, where two partners share an intimate connection. While not the only factor that makes a relationship work, sex do play an important part in ensuring both partners in the relationship obtains the sexual satisfaction they desire in order for them to stay humble to each other. For this reason, when sex-related problems do arise in a relationship, it can be worrisome and also unpleasant. When one partner starts to express signs of sexual difficulties, such as a lowered libido or perhaps even a more concerning sexual disorder like erectile dysfunction, then the effects may have an impact on the satisfaction of both partners involved in the relationship. Attending to such problems once they arise is important, not only to recover the sexual satisfaction levels that both partners depend on, but also to avoid potential complications that the sex-related issues may have on the relationship. Quite a large number of factors have been identified as threats to sexual intercourse, as well as sexual function in both genders. Injury, poor hormonal production and several chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, have all been identified as factors that contribute to poor […]

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5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Brain Function

regular exercise is important

Like any other bodily function, there is a way to boost your cognitive abilities by altering your lifestyle. However, we’re not just talking about boosting your brain function by completing challenging intellectual tasks or acquiring new skills. We are talking about ways to improve your overall brain infrastructure through proper exercise, healthy habits and adequate nutrition. With this in mind and without further ado, here are five natural ways to boost your brain function. 1.      Regular exercise   The first thing you need to understand is the fact that there’s a direct correlation between physical activity and your mental capacities. This relationship starts long before we’re even born and it was proven, several times over, that when a mother exercises in pregnancy (even if it’s a regular walk), their child later experiences faster mental growth and development. Needless to say, this remains true throughout our lives, seeing as how regular exercise helps the production of nerve-protecting compounds. Apart from this, it increases blood flow to our brains and improves the development of neurons in general. Overall, it helps protect and develop our brain, as well as keep it running. 2.      Adopting healthy habits The next thing you need to understand […]

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7 Ways Physical Exercises Are Good For Your Mental Recovery

We all know that physical exercise is good for your body. But it can play a really important role in mental recovery too. When you exercise feel-good endorphins are released into your brain. This improves your mood. At the same time, levels of adrenaline and cortisol (which cause stress) are reduced. This combination of mental changes brought on by physical exercise can really improve your mental health. Here are seven more ways physical exercises are good for your mental recovery: Mindfulness When you’re engaged in physical activity that requires concentration, you don’t have the head space to think of anything else. Negative or destructive thought patterns have to move aside so you can focus on the physical task at hand. Pilates and yoga are both great low-impact forms of exercise that demand your full concentration. You focus your mind on your breathing and on individual parts of your body, rather than your worries or stresses. Improved Self Esteem When you exercise regularly your fitness level will start to rise and you may lose some weight. You could advance from a short jog around the block to completing a 10k run. Seeing the progress you make can give you a real […]

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Why is Mental Health Overlooked in the Workplace

People who have mental illness are often stigmatized and discriminated against because companies and employees do not understand how serious the illness can be. Early diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses can alleviate problems in the workplace and in general. If overlooked, they can lead to severe issues, including death. If you are an employer, you want to be sure you are knowledgeable about mental health disorders and how to deal with it in the workplace. Mental health challenges in workplace can also cause severe consequences not only for the employees, but for performance and productivity of the organization. This means organizational performance, staff turnover, employees’ rate of illness and absenteeism are possibly at risk. Despite if people believe mental illness is important or not, it is still constantly overlooked, here’s why: Afraid of Mental Illnesses Many people are afraid of mental health issues, or don’t even believe them as real problems because they have never experiences them first hand. This causes different reactions to mental illness situations – 47 percent of Americans feel uncomfortable even living next door to someone who has a mental illness. It’s common in families to avoid the “mental illness” topic completely, because certain families […]

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Understanding Parkinson’s Disease And Mental Health

According to the oxford dictionary, Mental illness is a condition which causes a serious disorder in a person’s ability to think and his behavioral functions. These symptoms may vary even with people having the same diagnosis. The genetic structure, the lifestyle and his or her living environment can be the deciding factors in ones lives whether one would suffer from mental illness or not. [Also read: Mental Health Conditions] According to a recent study in the United States, Parkinson’s disease is the second most neurodegenerative illness causing mental health problems like depression, hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. Parkinson’s disease has been found in people with age groups above 50 and is a kind of movement disorder. It starts with the person initially feeling weak and then gradually getting to reduction of voluntary movements such as stiffness of limbs and difficulty in walking. Others may even notice tremor of head or hands. These physical aspects of the disease are its defining characteristics of Parkinson’s disease. However, apart from just physical aspects PD has a greater effect considering the patient’s “quality of life”. Depression is one of the most common psychiatric or mental illness found in PD patients. A few of the many symptoms used to diagnose depression are […]

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