Olives 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Olives are a cornerstone of different diets all across the globe, whether consumed whole, in olive oil, or as a component in various food types such as pesto. They are one of the cornerstones of the famous Mediterranean diet, which was one of the first diets to popularise the health benefits of eating high quantities of whole foods. We’ll be looking at the nutritional and dietary benefits of olives, and why they’re still one of the healthiest superfoods available today. Olives: the Facts Olives come from a genus of trees known as olea europeana and belong to the fruit family known as drupes, that include other pitted fruits like mangoes, peaches, and cherries. The average olive weighs between 3 and 5 grams when ripe, and usually turn color from green to black, although some varieties remain green even when mature. They are thought to have originated in North Africa and then spread to the nearby Mediterranean where they remain one of the region’s quintessential foodstuffs. They’re very popular in the Levant and Arab world as well, although you’ll be able to find them anywhere in the world where a good martini is available at the bar. Nutrition Facts per 100g […]
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