3 Scientific Facts About Weight Loss

Before you follow any weight loss procedure out there, it is important to make sure that it is scientifically proven. Most of the weight loss procedures suggested online are not effective because they have no medical or scientific proof to back them. Knowing about how the body’s metabolism works can help you understand how weight loss is achieved. You need to get the whole truth behind weight loss to avoid unhelpful dieting and exercise that may not be worth your effort. The following are three scientific facts you need to know about weight loss. Taking water more often helps reduce weight Studies have shown that taking water boosts the body’s metabolism by a big margin. The metabolism can rise by 24% to 30% within one to one and a half hours. Anything that improves the metabolism enhances weight loss. To promote good digestion in the body, you should take water before taking your meals. Scientific studies show that by taking half a liter of water 30 minutes before meals can help you to eat fewer calories. This will help you to lose about 44% more weight if you maintain this routine. Reducing calorie consumption works better than exercise Most people […]

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The Problem of GERD and Its Remedies

GERD which is also Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is one of the most common diseases that people face in today’s world. GERD happens when the acid in our stomach moves in the food pipe and the windpipe and creates a disturbance. Burning sensation, Trouble in breathing, bitterness in the mouth are the common symptoms of GERD. It might happen that the person might feel such problem only once or twice a month. In such case, it might not be GERD. When a person suffers from GERD they face the symptoms regularly. The prolonged problem of GERD can lead to many other issues. From cancer to damage of lower end of Esophagus, the problem of GERD can really lead to some serious issues. Therefore, it is advisable to take care of GERD issues as soon as you come to know about it. Though medical treatment is available for GERD it is recommended to people for following the natural way to control the problem of GERD. As consumption of medicines can lead to other serious problem the doctors also suggest the use of natural use of treating the problem of Acid reflux or GERD. Here are some of the Acid Reflux Home Treatment […]

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Expecting A Baby? Visit A Dentist!!


Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman’s life and care should be taken to make it as healthy as possible. If one is preparing for pregnancy or has already conceived, our goal is to provide a healthy disease free mouth, ensuring a healthy mother and baby. Planning Stage If you are in the pregnancy planning stages, now is the time to visit your dentist. An oral check-up and a thorough cleaning is a must. Any cavities and X-rays that need to be taken should be done at this stage. No Silver Amalgam (Containing Mercury) are to be done. The “amalgam fillings” contain mercury, which could cause toxic effects; hence the removal is done either before pregnancy or after. Any teeth to be extracted or any impacted teeth like the ‘wisdom teeth–molars’ should be attended to at this stage. Mouth should be bought to ‘Free From Infection’ phase at this stage. During Pregnancy There is a belief that the teeth get harmed during pregnancy. This is not entirely true but the gums are more susceptible to infections during pregnancy. This is due to the increased hormone levels in a women’s body during the entire period of pregnancy. General belief […]

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Link Between Hearing Loss and Depression

This is a very interesting discussion, because everyone want to know “how are hearing loss and depression linked?” After study I found strong link between hearing loss and depression among adults of all ages, particularly in women. Actually hearing loss is a communication disorder, not a distinct physical problem. We need to change our think about the condition. If anyone having hearing loss, even having a simple conversation with friends and family it be a challenge, because you are not able to listen meaningful conversation. Good conversation is the main key of maintaining healthy relationship. So if you are not able to listen properly, it make your relationships begin to suffer. That why it is connected to depression. The problem is many people who suffer from hearing loss, self-manage the situation by removing from environment where they face hard to hear. They stop socialising and even stop work all affect loss of lifestyle, these are greater risk of depression. Now We Understand The Connection The main connections are communication and listen because if you are not able to communicate properly its affect your relationships. Difficulty in communication can cause stress and depression. Who face hearing loss those people embarrassed in […]

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7 Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis

If you are experiencing pain in any or both of your heels then that could be plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a popular condition that causes pain in the plantar fascia tissue on the feet. Inflammations develop under the foot which causes pain. This foot condition is common among athletes, people who are overweight and arches. Your foot will take a maximum of 12 months for it recover if attacked. A doctor will try to determine the cause of pain if you visit one, then later offer the appropriate medication for healing. However, there are a number of home remedies to give relief for the same. These remedies include knight splints, comfortable shoes, using lavender essential oils, orthotics, foot massagers, ice pack and frequent replacement of old shoes. Home remedies for plantar fasciitis Putting on supportive and comfortable shoes If you are suffering from this foot condition, it’s advisable to put on comfortable shoes with a low heel. Practice this especially if you are going to stand for long. Such shoes are those which will give an adequate boost to the arches. Having reliable support will help to protect the plantar fascia from getting inflammations. Your feet become free from […]

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