Top 8 Ways to Induce Abortion Naturally

There are many ways for self induces abortion, but some of the natural ways which you can try at your home are Eating cheese in excess is one of the proved natural methods for abortion because cheese contains some bacteria which can lead to natural abortion. During the pregnancy, the most important thing is to maintain fetus in healthy state, because uterus grows daily. So excessive or intense exercise can lead to miscarriages. Doctors do not recommend stress and heavyweight lifting at that time. If you want to do miscarriage, then you have to plan a very severe workout which will be enough to make your body expel the baby. Papaya is one of the healthy fruit which excites the uterus and lead to miscarriages. Green papaya has oxytocin and prostaglandin enzymes which are the major cause of miscarriage or abortion, in some of the cases drinking the juice of green papaya can cause the process of miscarriages. Coffee is one of the most widely used abortion process followed by most of the women. The study showed that by taking only 200mg of caffeine every day, which is almost equal to two cups of coffee. Research showed that excessive intake […]
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