Tips for Healthy Sleep during Pregnancy

Nothing can compare to the feeling a woman gets when she finds out that she will be having a little bundle of joy to hold and cuddle soon. The preparations start for the arrival of the little angel, who will change the life of the woman forever. But the feeling of pure happiness starts to fade as the pregnancy progresses further and that is mainly due to the sleep issues that come with it. A disturbed sleep at night does not exactly result in a chirpy mom-to-be ready for some baby shopping and baby showers! Getting a decent amount of sleep can be a problem for the mom-to-be. As the pregnancy progresses, bladder control, fatigue, soreness and raging hormones serve as an obstacle to a good night’s sleep. But fear no more, as we will be guiding you on how to improve the quality and duration of your sleep. Here are our ten best tips to help you snooze through the night without waking up: 1. Exercise Regularly! Exercise is a must, even during your pregnancy. It helps improve your mood and posture. It also helps relieves backaches and prevents gestational diabetes. It also builds up your stamina and makes […]

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How to Treat Breast Surgery Scars

Surgical procedures always leave scars and this applies also for breast surgeries, they leave breast scars.  However, the intensity totally depends on the length and deepness of an incision made over the affected area. Scarring is true for all kinds of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures, which are performed to rectify and beautify overall personality of the sufferer. Despite observing the benefits and pleasant personality transformations, individuals still show reluctance and fail to make up their mind to undergo surgeries categorised under cosmetic procedures. Most of them are afraid of carrying swelling. Good news is that these bruises can be efficiently reduced and even eliminated after using remedies. Such concerns almost doubled, when it comes to operating torso region in women. Whether a procedure is performed purely for cosmetic reasons or it is carried out to reconstruct the deformity caused due to disease of accidental circumstances, women who have undergone these procedures, always looking for the most efficient ways to treat these lumps and keloids. As soon as wounds are healed, next thing every other patient is concerned about are the scars. How Breast Scars are Formed? Scars are formed when fibrous tissues made up of collagen are produced to heal […]

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Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Worth the Cost ?

Getting breasts transformed to the way you desire through surgical means is by far the most reliable way. Not only reliable, it is one of the most demanded plastic around the world. But now, there’s even a better way of getting breasts look fuller. Fat transfer breast augmentation is getting the fame yet it’s been around the corner for a while. Fat transfer breast augmentation has gained popularity as it eliminates the need of implants and rather relies on the recycled fat. The excess fat from either part of the body is deposited in the breasts for increasing their size. It does sound as an ideal job for distributing the fat from other places as lower abdomen areas to breast, to even out the posture. But is the fame supporting the right innovation? What kind of results are we expecting from a fat depositing procedure? Is the treatment safe and what risks are involved? We are answering all these questions and more about fat transfer breast augmentation, since we visited Crispin Plastic Surgery Center in Atlanta. It is here where you would see a queue of women, waiting to meet the smiling and expert plastic surgeons to get their wishes […]

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Breastfeeding Benefits For Mom And Baby

We have compiled the benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby in this great article. Breastfeeding is your very special gift to your baby as it is the best thing you can do for them and should continue to do from their birth until they are at least 6 months old. Breast milk contains many nutrients and vitamins that are essential for your baby’s growth and development. In some studies, breastfeeding has been linked to enable higher IQ scores in later times of childhood. Advantages Of Breast-Feeding For Your Baby  : Breast milk contains essential nutrients and vitamins, making it the perfect food for your baby Breast milk is always fresh and instantly available at the right temperature Provides your baby with vital antibodies that help strengthen their immature body system Breastfeeding makes children smarter Reduces the risk of your baby developing food allergies and intolerances Helps reduce the risk of your baby developing ear infections Breast feeding is great for bonding and ensures better friendship between baby and mother Reduces incidences of diarrhea (liquid poop) and respiratory diseases. Breastfeeding also plays a role in the prevention of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). For The Mother  : Helps decrease the […]

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How To Comfort The Uncomfortable Menstrual Cramps

Menstruation is a monthly occurrence for women in which the body sheds the lining of the uterus (womb), which is then passed through a small opening in the cervix and out through the vaginal canal. Some pain, cramping, and discomfort during menstrual periods is normal. However, excessive pain that causes you to regularly miss work , school or feel very uncomfortable is not normal. The medical term for painful menstruation is dysmenorrhea. There are two types of dysmenorrhea : Primary dysmenorrhea occurs in women who experience pain just before and during menstruation, but who are otherwise healthy. Women who have had normal periods that later become painful may have secondary dysmenorrhea. This condition is usually accompanied by a problem affecting the uterus or other pelvic organs. Secondary dysmenorrhea is characterized by cramping pains that are due to an identifiable medical problem such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease. I would talk about primary dysmenorrhea mainly in this article because that’s the common one our girls experience. Causes of Menstrual Cramps Menstrual cramps are caused by contractions in the uterus, which is a muscle. The uterus, the hollow, pear-shaped organ where a baby grows, contracts throughout a woman’s menstrual […]

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