Can I Go For Laser Hair Removal If I Am Having Pcos/Pcod?

Now advanced technologies like laser are available that can be used to remove unwanted hair but head-scratching question is that can we opt this technology if we are suffering from other medical condition like PCOD/PCOS? Before knowing the facts about yes or no of the above question it is important to understand about PCOD only then we can reach on the correct answer. What is PCOD? The polycystic ovarian disease is the hormonal disorder that affects many females in the childbearing age. In this hormonal disorder fluid type formation occurs in the ovaries that lead to hormonal level disturbance so can cause skin or hair disorders. This disease begins when the females have disturbed periods and then cysts start forming in the ovaries so the size of ovary gets expanded and cause excess production of hormones like androgen and estrogen. This excess formation of the hormone with the irregular periods can cause infertility in females. This condition is also called PCOS. The surprising fact about this disorder is that 26.7% of females are suffering from this disease but are oblivion about it. Studies have shown 70% women were unknown about PCOD attack when were diagnosed. PCOD affects the reproductive organs […]
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