Reduce Your Hunger & Appetite and Get Back In Shape

To make any commitment to adopt the healthier eating habits is not easy for any person who is trying to get back in shape. A fluctuating appetite negatively impacts the mood as there is a compulsion to overeat. As per the experts, there are particular abnormalities in brain circuits that are similar to those of substance abusers. For instance, a study shows that obese people may have fewer receptors in their brains for dopamine. It induces food addicts to have more pleasurable experience and to feel good. In the breakthrough study, scientists found that when an obese person is full, hippocampus in the brain reacts in the same way as any substance abuser reacts. Hippocampus not only affects our emotion and memory but also over the different areas of the brain. It does not tell us to eat when we are hungry, but it also performs the more complex calculation. They say us how much stressed or grumpy we are. So for the obese people, it becomes very difficult to put a control over the food habits than to alcohol or drugs. Medical weight loss consultants generally prescribe Weight loss Appetite Suppressants Prescriptions which has the one purpose, controls the […]
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