Reduce Your Hunger & Appetite and Get Back In Shape

Reduce Your Hunger & Appetite and Get Back In Shape

To make any commitment to adopt the healthier eating habits is not easy for any person who is trying to get back in shape.  A fluctuating appetite negatively impacts the mood as there is a compulsion to overeat. As per the experts, there are particular abnormalities in brain circuits that are similar to those of substance abusers. For instance, a study shows that obese people may have fewer receptors in their brains for dopamine. It induces food addicts to have more pleasurable experience and to feel good. In the breakthrough study, scientists found that when an obese person is full, hippocampus in the brain reacts in the same way as any substance abuser reacts.  Hippocampus not only affects our emotion and memory but also over the different areas of the brain. It does not tell us to eat when we are hungry, but it also performs the more complex calculation. They say us how much stressed or grumpy we are. So for the obese people, it becomes very difficult to put a control over the food habits than to alcohol or drugs. Medical weight loss consultants generally prescribe Weight loss Appetite Suppressants Prescriptions which has the one purpose, controls the […]

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Oral Detox: Tips for Fresher Breath

oral detox for a fresher breath

Is there anyone who doesn’t like having fresh breath? Not only do we feel better when we know our mouth is clean, but we feel more confident and become more approachable because we know that other people won’t be put off by our bad breath. Sadly, getting fresher breath isn’t always easy, and if you want the best results you should try out several tricks and pick the ones that work best for you. To help you get that wonderful fresh breath of your dreams, we give you a list of easy tips you can try: Choose your drinks We all love coffee, sodas, and an occasional glass of wine and beer, but these drinks have a bad effect on our breath. Choosing what you drink can help you keep your mouth healthy and your breath fresh. Plain water is best for your teeth (as long as it’s not too cold – people with sensitive teeth won’t enjoy it) and green tea will do wonders for your overall as well as for your oral health. It’s rich in antioxidants and minerals that are beneficial for your teeth and gums, and if you drink it in the morning instead of coffee, you […]

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Five Things that Are Slowing Your Workout Performance

things that are slowing down your workout

The fitness world is brimming with advice, opinions, and rules, some of which are even contradictory. There’s a lot of well-meaning but misguided information out there, but thankfully, many professional gym trainers today know which advice is outdated and what’s the best way to go about a workout. However, when you’re training at home, you’re on your own – you could very well be doing something wrong, or something could be adjusted so you’d perform better, but there’s no trainer or fitness-enthusiastic stranger to indicate potential mistakes to you. Being constantly updated and knowledge is key to meeting your fitness goals on your own. That’s why we’re going to cover some common “performance-busters” that could be keeping you away from getting the best out of your workout. Using your energy inefficiently Obviously, there’s no universal approach to fitness regimes – it largely depends on your goals, and your goals will determine the order that you stick to during your workout. That said, the old “start your workout with cardio” rule doesn’t apply to all. Actually, it applies in the sense that everyone can do 5-10 minutes of cardio as a way to warm up your muscles, but you could be […]

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Why it’s Impossible to Get Rid of Eye Bags (Without Surgery)

Eye bag surgery

Cosmetic Surgery – Now at its Highest Peak Every year, the British Association of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) releases the latest statistics regarding the impact of Cosmetic Surgery across the UK. In 2015, a record number of over 51,000 people in the UK underwent cosmetic surgery; highlighting society’s ever-increasing desire to enhance their appearance. Consequently, BAAPS in their 2016 survey discovered that the total number of cosmetic procedures grew a startling 13% during 2014 – again, emphasizing the influx of people desiring aesthetic improvements. While cosmetic products remain extremely popular, it’s interesting to note how many people are now opting for the surgical route. Like many other women, I am not invulnerable to the aesthetic imperfections that come with ageing. As women, we are desperately seeking cosmetic products that will help us cling to our remaining youthful skin. Unfortunately, such products can only help for so long. Consequently, many people are looking for a more permanent fix, specifically in the shape of surgery. Advice from a World-renowned Plastic Surgeon Fortunately, I am in a position with access to one of the world’s leading plastic surgeons, Dr Baljit Dheansa, who’s currently based at The McIndoe Centre (West Sussex). According to […]

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5 Most Innovative Laser Treatments for Healthcare

Laser treatment is still considered as a relatively new and modern healthcare method, however in the past decade or so it has proven itself as a wonderful option for treating a number of problems and ailments. The way in which laser treatment works is in using a beam of light to burn, cut or destroy either some skin tissue, or an unwanted growth or entity on or in the body. The word laser naturally conjures up images of some Star Wars style colorful beam, however the term itself in the medical industry is actually an acronym and it stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. You learn something new every day, huh? This article takes a look at some of the most innovative ways laser treatment is used in the healthcare industry. Pain Relief Not so many people are aware of this but lasers can actually be used as a pain relief option – particularly where the pain affects the back or spine. Perhaps a person has an incredibly painful spinal condition from which they long for some relief. Alternatively, ailments such as sciatica and lumbago that can cause back pain can linger around and persevere for extended […]

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