9 Ways You Can Help Your Child Overcome Depression

Kids have depression too. Even toddlers go through a massive amount of depression sometimes. Depression is an often-ignored issue in the society we live. Depression is a serious societal issue that sees no difference in the elderly, adults and children. Causes of Depression in Children There are various risks factors that might cause depression in children such as stress, abuse, loss of a parent(s) or sibling(s), pain, natural disasters, poor performance in school, health complications, and lack of attention from parents. The causes of depression may be more in numbers in case of children, as they are really not able to put their feelings in words in front of others. Symptoms of Depression in Kids Childhood depression is often labeled as a serious condition which is way different from normal blues and everyday behavioral changes. Noticeably, not every sad behavior of your child is depression. However, if this unexpected version of your kids continues, it is time to take serious action and help your child fight this phase of life. Here are some of the signs of depression that a parent should be vigilant of: Irritability Continuous sadness or crying Weakness Deteriorating health Social withdrawal Reduced interest in studies Lack […]
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